BICOM (Bioresonance method)

Bioresonance represents harmony in biological systems such as the human organism. . Body cells communicate via certain frequencies and exchange information. In a healthy body, this exchange of information is flawless. When burdensome substances (toxins, viruses, bacteria, radiation, etc.) disrupt this communication, the result is organic changes, i.e. impaired health.

The goal of bioresonance therapy is to discover the frequency areas that lead to disturbances and bring them back into balance for healing and new vitality.

Disturbing electromagnetic oscillations are introduced and transformed in the BICOM device via electrodes placed on a certain part of the body. In the apparatus, these oscillations are changed and then returned to the client’s body in the form of healing therapeutic oscillations. In this way, the body’s own forces become capable of functioning efficiently again.

The bioresonance method is painless and has no negative effects, it does not affect any other form of treatment and medication, it is recommended

• people who have long-term illnesses and symptoms that conventional medicine has not been able to solve,
or a greater number of drugs are used in the treatment of these ailments,

•. for faster recovery in case of injuries or after operations, but also as the first choice for solving the problems of acute diseases and conditions

The method does not require any preparation.

Number of sessions approximately 5-10, duration 40-50 minutes, frequency once a week.

Price: 50 Euros per session, first examination 55 Euros ​