The holistic approach to treatment of oncology patients at the Holistera Polyclinic is based on establishing a balance of a healthy organism by improving the immune system and eliminating factors which block the functioning of the immune system. We help you to restore the lost harmony to your body.
That brings your body in an optimal state in which it can fight cancer cells more efficiently. The healing power of the body is increased by intensive detoxication, nutrients and
We increase the healing ability of your body with intense detoxication, nutrients and supply of trace elements which stimulates normal cell regeneration.
Protocols which we implement are based on experience, holistic and complementary medicine, combined with individually adjusted components from modern oncology.
The thing which makes this approach special is the fact that we treat the whole patient, not only the illness.
The result of this integrative approach is an adjusted treatment protocol for your unique physical, biological and personal needs. Our holistic approach considers everything what influences your health, including your diet, lifestyle and way of thinking.
With the help of integrative medicine, you receive scientifically supported therapies, chosen by your doctor for the treatment of your condition. Our patients have the right to complete and detailed information in any given moment, as well as to caring support.
We don’t have the right to harm the patient – either through therapy, or through articulation that the intended effect has undesirable adverse effects.
Our therapy against cancer is mild, safe, non-toxic and adjusted to all your needs for the best possible quality of life and improves the condition of the whole organism and enables you to struggle illnesses.
In that way we help an ill organism to improve health with the help of our naturopathic, holistic, complicated programme.
Treatments and therapies:
• Immunotherapy
• Adjusted detoxification programmes
• Stimulation of the immune system
• Non-toxic anti-cancerogenic medication, such as high doses of vitamin C
• Cleaning of the colon (colon hydrotherapy, coffee enemas)
• Ozone therapy
• Acupuncture
• Counselling regarding diet from cancer (Budwig diet, keto, etc.)