In a busy lifestyle, the need to recover quickly, to quickly gain physical strength and to keep it as long as possible comes to the fore.
Equally, there is a stronger awareness that for greater psychophysical efforts we need adequate preparation, for which we also do not have too much time.
The action of substances given for this purpose is often not possible to achieve by oral intake in sufficient concentration. In order to achieve stronger and faster effects that work at the cellular level, we use iv. preparations of vitamin C, glutathione, combinations of B vitamins, amino acids, electrolytes.
- Glutathione is one of the most important and strongest antioxidants found in every cell in the body. It is made of three types of molecules known as amino acids: glutamine, glycine and cysteine. Amino acids are combined in different ways to make all the proteins in the body.
The unique thing about glutathione is that the body can create it in all cells, which is not true for most other antioxidants, and the most important is its synthesis in the liver.
When we are young and healthy, the body itself produces enough glutathione. However, its quantity begins to decrease sharply with age, when we are under chronic stress, when we eat unhealthy food, due to frequent medication, some infections, etc. After the age of 40, it begins to rapidly wear down. Therefore, maintaining adequate levels of this antioxidant is incredibly important.
- synthesis and repair of DNA, tissues, building blocks of proteins and cells
- strengthens the immune system
- protects against oxidative stress
- helps with depression, anxiety and stress
- cleans the body from free radicals, poisons from drugs and heavy metals
- formation of spermatozoa
- recovery of vitamins C and E
- transport of mercury from the brain
- support of the liver and gall bladder in breaking down fat
- help in the process of apoptosis or programmed cell death
Did you know that curcumin can also be taken intravenously?
Curcumin, the main active and most valuable ingredient of the turmeric plant, is a promising addition to the treatment of oncological and chronic patients. The most famous way of using this root plant is orally as a spice, tea or in a capsule. Although oral administration of curcumin has been shown to provide some benefit, the poor absorption into the bloodstream by this route and the kinetics of distribution do not allow the maximum health benefits of curcumin to be exploited.
When given intravenously, curcumin bypasses the intestines and liver and is absorbed directly into the blood and the affected area where it acts at the cellular level. It has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a powerful antioxidant. It has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Studies on different types of tumors show curcumin’s potential to interfere with cell signaling pathways to prevent tumor growth and spread to other parts of the body and potentially reduce tumor size. Intravenous curcumin benefits have also been shown to help modulate chemotherapy and potentially reduce side effects in cancer patients.