An osteopathic technique that, with light pressure and movements of the therapist’s hands on the bones of the skull, face and spine, affects the locomotor and cardiovascular system, breathing, hormone secretion, the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, which affects the improvement of general psycho-physical health. The overall effect of the treatment is a feeling of deep relaxation.
Craniosacral treatment can work on various dysfunctions, and the best results are seen in neck and lumbar spine pain, difficulties in motor and neurological functions, migraines, stress and insomnia.
The treatment begins with a consultation with the therapist in order to assess the course of each individual treatment with an individual approach. Soft music and pleasant lighting are often used to increase your state of relaxation.
Craniosacral treatment is performed in a lying position on the back, in which the person is clothed.
Craniosacral treatment is based on the approach that the body is interconnected at all levels, therefore it improves the efficiency of biological processes by encouraging self-regulation and self-correction of all body systems.
The treatment is intended for children and adults.
Indications for craniosacral therapy
Identifies and helps release the emotional component associated with physical trauma.
Through non-invasive yet direct palpation of the craniosacral rhythm and fascial movement, craniosacral therapy is a gentle and safe treatment for newborns, the elderly, during pregnancy, and after surgical procedures.
There are numerous indications for every stage of life:
• Anti-stress treatment ~ harmonizes the central nervous system
• Helps with hyperactivity, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, dyslexia
• Eliminates insomnia and sleep disorders
• Positively affects states of depression and anxiety by improving emotional health
• Regulates heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, digestion, and the physiology of the gastrointestinal system
• Eliminates neuralgia and painful conditions of the trigeminal nerve
• Harmonizes the consequences of facial nerve paresis
• Balances the tone of the vagus nerve, thereby improving general health
• Improves the locomotor system and muscle system pains, spine pain, sciatica
• Balances the bite by harmonizing the temporomandibular joint, calms bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching), and other dental issues
• Improves vision problems by affecting the optic nerve
• Eases the respiratory system’s function ~ improves breathing and alleviates sinus problems
• Regulates the lymphatic system by promoting the drainage of excess fluid and the elimination of harmful substances from the body
• Balances the endocrine and hormonal systems
• Eases pregnancy-related and postpartum issues
• Eases reflux and colic in newborns, and aids in falling asleep
• Eases perineal zone issues, muscle tension, and pain
• Elevated body temperature
• Epilepsy